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HHP-335 Coordinated School Health:


Describing the major concepts within the discipline is important because it re-establishes the content knowledge for the students. If you miss the opportunity in order to describe the important concepts then the children will not know why the lesson and its main points are important or why it is necessary to learn them. 


In my Coordinated School Health Class I did a lesson plan titled Alcohol and You with two other students in my class. This lesson is a great example as to why specifically describing the major concepts is important because in the lesson we did a variety of different activities related to alcohol and how it surrounds you. While each of these activities were fun and engaging, without any sort of assessment or even a small closure at the end to that specific activity there would be no point.


The concepts covered during this lesson would be Health Education, Drugs and Alcohol, and Personal Health and Wellness. It is displayed through activities such as a case study. 


The students were to read a different case study with a group and write about what body systems were affected in that said scenario. While it is important the students cover that information, it is also important that you as an educator reiterate the purpose of the activity and the reason as to why you are covering it in the first place. It is through these concepts within our major discipline that give reasoning as to why we teach what we do.


Most of this can often be referenced through your Primary Learning Outcomes. For instance we wanted the students to be able to recognize and explain the effects of alcohol on the body. You might discus again with your students why it is this is important to learn and how it applies to their lives. 


Teaching the students an Alcohol Unit give the students the tools to navigate through their teenage years without making the wrong decisions that could put their life at risk. Through an alcohol unit we are able to give the students resistance strategies, give them the facts related to health concerns, discuss illegal matters, and teach about decision making skills. Each and every detail is extremely important; yet it is thanks to the major concepts of our discipline we are able to cover these topics and instill life-long lessons.


Alcohol and You Lesson Plan.pdf

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