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HHP-409: Health Education Methods & Materials (Pre-K - 12)


Designing lesson plans with well-aligned goals, objectives, instructional activities, and assessments is very important when it comes to being a successful educator. In my Health Education Class I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to teach out at Andrew Lewis Middle School. I was able to teach an eighth grade Health Education class for the day and taught a lesson involving the Muscular System and Fitness. 

Throughout my lesson plan I aligned my Primary Learning Outcomes with each activity and assessment piece. Primary Learning Outcomes stand as a place-holder for what you want to accomplish that day; what you want your students to walk out of the class knowing. 

My activities all flowed nicely from one another and built off of each other. This was in order to create a nice flow for comprehension and cultivate learning as well as create a positive learning environment. 

My favorite piece that connected the entire lesson together was the exit slip I had each student fill out. I asked each student to answer each question:


  1. Name three different types of muscles.
  2. Name three different muscles or muscle groups.
  3. Name one thing you learned today or enjoyed.

This exit slip not only is a wonderful way to end the lesson, but it presents the opportunity for students to sit and review what they learned that day. It also provides me with helpful information on feedback based on what they enjoyed, did they comprehend what I wanted them to, etc.


Muscular System Lesson Plan.pdf

The Muscular System & Fitness.pptx

Muscular System - Exit Slip.pdf



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.