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A prime example of why describing the major concepts within the discipline is important is because if you miss the opportunity in order to do so the children will not know why the lesson and its main points are important. They will also miss out on recognizing why they are learning it and for what reason are they learning it. 

While I was out at my internship one of the most important things I walked away with is a lesson on always reminding the students why we are learning this by asking them. Early on when I was teaching the kids stations, I introduced them as “Station 1 we will be jumping rope for two minutes.” I thought that was acceptable and perhaps for some teachers it is, but it wasn’t until Coach Rob pointed out that I needed to reiterate the reasoning behind each action. Even in a physical education setting we need to remind the kids why we are covering the information that we are. I learned to instead introduce the stations as “Station 1 is jump rope. We will be jumping rope for two minutes in order to keep our heart rate up and keep our blood flowing.” It re-establishes the content knowledge for the students this way.


By reiterating the lessons you are teaching, this reminds the students of the importance of the concepts within our major discipline. In this instance I covered a health and exercise unit and we were going over staying active and exercising. We were also focusing on heart health. This is one of many important concepts within the Health and Physical Education field related to health, exercise, nutrition, the body and it's systems, and more. 


The concept I was covering in that particular class related back to the concept of Health Related Physical Fitness. Jump roping increases your heart rate which incorporates cardiorespiratory endurance. This concept, along with all of the Health and Physical Education Concepts, are important because it is from which that you are able to branch off to discuss topics and subjects. 

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