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This objective's focal point is that as an educator it is your job to have a classroom with an atmosphere that is productive and sets a positive mood for learning. Being organized, prepared, and concise in how you conduct your class will result in good student behavior as well as foster an environment for academic growth. It is vital to implement general principles such as setting up classroom rules and expectations in order to inform the students that any behavior that does not fall under these expectations results in consequences. 


As a Health and Physical Education teacher you have to set in place different rules and consequences that will be followed in the Health classroom and gymnasium in order to insure safety for each and every student. 


It is important to remember that in both the Health and Physical Education setting safety is a priority and that in a fair amount of cases if you are not following the rules it can endanger the rest of the class.



In the first week of school for P.E. we implemented the classroom rules as follows:


  1. Must have sneakers in order to participate.
  2. Respect yourself, others, and the environment.
  3. Come ready to learn.
  4. Keep your hands to yourself.
  5. Always try your best.

 Our classroom consequences for P.E were as follows:


  1. Warning
  2. Time Out
  3. Phone Call Home (at the elementary level; otherwise detention)
  4. Meeting with the Principle



In the Health Classroom we implemented the following rules:


  1. Come ready to learn.
  2. Respect yourself, others, and the environment.
  3. Be responsible for your own learning.
  4. Keep your hands to yourself.
  5. Try your best.

Our classroom consequences for Health were as follows:


  1. Warning
  2. Separate from the rest of class
  3. Call Assistant Principle
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