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I was able to achieve this goal many times over the course of student teaching because Roanoke College really prepared me. A prime example of me describing the important concepts within the major discipline would be when I taught the Five Components of Health Related Fitness through a lesson on Flexibility. 


I was teaching Flexibility through the Presidential Fitness Sit and Reach Test. I explained how this was one of the Five Health Related Components of Fitness and explained to the class that you should strive to include each and every component throughout your week by exercising and staying active. I discussed what each concept was and reviewed how we have already learned about Cardiorespirotoy Endurance, and Muscular Strength. I then explained how the Sit and Reach Test would go in order to incorporate the Health Related Concepts and went over the importance of it as well as why we are taking the to complete it.


First, I lead the students in yoga and explained how stretching is very important. We talked about how often we should stretch, how it applies to testing flexibility, and how important it was to stretch throughout our lives. Many of the boys are always quick to jump to saying they only need to lift, claiming "stretching is for girls." But after taking the time to talk to the class about how stretching and working on flexibility can prevent injuries, aide in sports performance, and allow you to live a healthy life style the kids all really became a fan.


This also touches on the concept of Non-Manipulative Skills that you get from The Physical Education Movement Wheel. Stretching is a non-manipulative skill that is included in our curriculum. 


In my experience, being well versed and having applicable knowledge of the major concepts within the discipline, really made all the difference to the students in my class and encouraged student engagement. 


3-5 Sit and Reach Physical Fitness Test LP.pdf

3-5 Sit and Reach Physical Fitness Test Grid.pdf

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