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      This sememester is slowly coming to a close at R-Island, and soon another will begin, but with that said that means it is time to registar for new courses. And like most freshman you really don't know what you want to take next semester, unless you've declared on your major early. So with that said I was sort of like the typical freshman at R-Island when it came to deciding my courses, struggling to decide and trying to figure out how these courses were going to help me.


         I looked through the list and struggled to find things that fit what I need for my major, since I declared. I didn't want to take all these labs during my 2nd semester, but I wanted to get at least some more credits for my major. And with my INQ I wanted to take something that is also centered around my major, but all those courses required some sort of prerequisite.


            So instead of freaking out anymore about the perfect schedule I started to think, yes I need to take some required courses now but I can have fun and put some interesting courses in there.  And even if I don't get the ones I really want, I should still have an open mind to the courses that are left. That is what college is all about trying new things, even if that means an interesting course or 2.



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